Messy Monday ~ Purse Purge
I would love for my purse to look like this...
Sadly, it looks like this...
Anyway, on to my purge. This is what was in my purse as of this morning, laid out for all the world to see. Actually not too bad. I'm using my "smaller" purse lately, so there's a little less room to hoard.
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Sadly, it looks like this...
So, for today's Messy Monday post I am going to lay it all out for you, my friends. You really want to get to know a woman? Peek into her purse! Scary, I know. Yet, that's how real I am willing to get with you folks. Who remembers that scene in The Breakfast Club where they go through the girls' purses? Kind of like that, except without the cussing...maybe.
Anyway, on to my purge. This is what was in my purse as of this morning, laid out for all the world to see. Actually not too bad. I'm using my "smaller" purse lately, so there's a little less room to hoard.
I usually have much larger piles of receipts folded up and stashed in my purse, but I recently did a budget update where I was able to remove 30 or so from the rotation.
Yes, I am lactose intolerant AND have regular indigestion (neither of which I had until closing in on 40).
Up at the top of the pic, there are about 5-6 sticky notes stuck to my makeup bag. I also love to make notes/lists on index cards. I usually have a dozen or so in my purse.
Pens and pencils abound, yet I can never seem to find them when I need them.
See my hankie? Isn't it cute? It's vintage. I love these. They are cheap, pretty, and MUCH better than using a wadded up paper tissue that invariably ends up in my pockets, then all over my clean clothes in the wash.
And to conclude our little game of I Spy see if you can spot: cough drop wrapper, lens wipe, Starbucks card, ehhmm.. feminine product, & granola crumbs (not hard since they are everywhere).
Isn't this fun?
And now for the really Messy part of the Messy Monday post...
Ew. The bottom of my purse. Yep. Nothing else to say.
Happy Messy Monday, y'all!
p.s. While we are on the subject of purses, check out this very funny lady talk about women's "purse-onality." WARNING: If you are 40 and over, do not watch with a full bladder. ;)
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