Poetry Study ~ Christmas Poems

Poetry for December will be all about Christmas!  Enjoy our resources and have a blessed Christmas!

Poetry Study by Subject pages


The first thing I do is locate a dozen or so poems I would like the kids to study and enjoy.  I print these up and put into a three-ring-binder.  For you super crafty folks, you can decorate the outside of your binder to match the theme.  Decorations or not, be sure to label the binder in some way so you know what is in it!  

We have a binder labeled "Holiday Poetry" which currently houses Thanksgiving and now Christmas themed poems.  I plan to add Easter themed in the spring.  You can hold onto this binder and start a new holiday section each year.

How we use the sheets above ~ I assign 1 page per day as part of an already full daily schedule.  My kids choose the poem they would like to study, read it aloud with me (middle & high schoolers read on their own), then they complete their page for the day.  I do not include memorization/recitation in this plan because my focus is more on exposing them to the wide range of styles and ideas used to express the same theme.

Visit the Gallery for samples of my children's Thanksgiving-themed pages.

Poems Online: 

Victorian Greetings to Inspire:

Don't you just love these old Christmas greeting card images?  The faces are so ethereal.  

More Ideas:

Art-Inspired Poetry~
You may want to stretch the Christmas theme even more.  Look online for some Christmas greeting images, or raid your past Christmas card storage.  Find the images portraying some kind of scene then make up a poem to go along with the image.  What fun!  

Make your own Christmas Cards~
See if you can come up with your own festive poetic greetings.  Use images from the internet, or your own artwork and voila!; you have a home-made, heartfelt holiday greeting your family and friends will cherish.

As always, we would LOVE to hear your ideas and or how you used the ones found here!  Please post a comment below.  Also, you can email us pics of your work and we will post them in our gallery.  



  1. Love this post!. It's part of my hobby to read short Christmas poems during holiday season. Then some of my favorite lines and verses, I add to my christmas cards. Have a happy holiday!


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