A Shopper's Lament
I am an exuberant celebrator of Christmas but I do get a queasy feeling in my stomach when I see red and green peaking out behind the back-to-school banners in my local Stuff-Mart. What happened to Thanksgiving? You're lucky if you can even find a single end cap display dedicated to Turkey Day.
And what's with the stores opening earlier and earlier for "Black Friday" deals....like in September?
Here's a little poem I wrote a few years ago after observing the shocking rows of red and green merging seamlessly with orange and black of Halloween.
by Allison Weeks, 2008
'Twas early September, when all through the stores,
the holiday season came in with a roar.
Sparkling lights, ribbons, and bows,
and for REAL Noel junkies,
a red Rudolph nose.
"It doesn't seem right," my daughter complained,
"that Christmas is peddled 'midst a hurricane!"
"Of course, Dear," I tried to explain,
"we all enjoy Christmas, but this is insane!"
"Earlier and earlier, the wares have appeared,
stretching the season more every year."
"Come early December," I said with a sigh,
"these vendors will offer Easter bunnies to buy."
"We'll gladly comply, for we haven't an eye
for the holly that's hung since 4th of July!"
Christmas comes December 25th.
Do we really need to prepare on June 6th?
Please understand, I do not object
to planning ahead for what you'll collect.
But couldn't we all be a bit circumspect
to not buy our tinsel and fake candied fruits
while still donning flip flops and bathing suits?
Not to be Scrooge or down-right depressing,
I'll wrap up this rhyme with a plea that is stressing
for all my dear friends and family, too,
the holiday message I'm sending to you:
No matter how early we start to shop,
Christmas will come and force us to stop.
Then what to our wondering eyes will appear,
but mountains of rough-totes to store 'till next year!
"A Shopper's Lament" first appeared on Adding to the Beauty blog. Original content copyright, 2013.
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